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  • senthil1
    06-11 09:13 AM
    I think it should have minimal or no impact on your GC process. Somehow you can get gc. But what is the impact of case in your personal life that is more important. If you have an asset or money those are under risk. But if you have very less savings what they are going to achive by sueing you. Also did you have Insurance? Then they might put you and your Insurance company in lawsuit. Then your Insurance company may fight for you. If they win the case and court ask you to pay 1 million dollars then you can file bankruptsy protection and come out if you have very less money. Fighting is always better option than giving up. But again it is individual's decision. As you have option of going to India. But no such option for Americans

    Hi Gurus,

    I need an advice from you.

    The situation:
    -- Involved in a collision few months back. As I had rear ended the vehicle, as per the investigation, it was found it was my fault(80% mine - 20% others)

    -- Now after more than 18 months, I get a law suit for 3.25 million dollars(. This was served against ppl who were involved. Right now my I have my EAD and AP and maintaining H1 status.

    So what are my options now?

    1. Check with attorney and start defending..?
    2. pack the bags and go back to my country ? If so, will there be any issues in coming back again, say after 3,4 years?
    3. What about my GC?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated and I guess it would be a biggest decision of my life ..

    PD is Nov 2006.

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 09:35 AM
    Lately the members of IV have come to know that Aman Kapoor, the co-founder of IV has sold his house and spent around $64000/- towards the administrative costs of IV. This too was brought to our attention from a regular member like you and me, without which this would not have come to our knowledge at all.

    So some of the members have taken an initiative to reimburse Aman and other core IV team members with the expenses they have incurred so far towards the administrative costs of IV. Note that the time they have spent and the sufferings cannot be compensated. Let us do the least by atleast compensating the money. Please do not donate directly to IV funds.

    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing the administrative costs of IV.


    Could you please pledge an amount ?

    People, since Aman and lets not forget other core members also who I am sure have racked up a lot of out of pocket cost we as a community should gather funds for administrative cost also. GC is not just Aman's/ pappu/logiclife and others core member's dream...its OUR dream, and its not fair that in spite of knowing the time and money spent by the core members we donot share the burden.
    So here is what I am thinking, there are 21000+ members of which I think 10,000 can be considered the real people (I am sure there are more..but a real conservative estimate) if we all pitch in $10 for administrative cost I think it would not put any dent in our pockets and this collective effort would not create a financial burden on any of the core members.

    Even though IV is not for profit, there is no rule which says that you cannot have funds for administrative cost. In fact one rule of thumb to give to any NOP charitable organization like united way etc is to look at their admin cost. Why not IV have that.
    Any thoughts!

    Lets not make this a core team fight only...people are jumping in the boat and asking all and any question they can..and when it comes to giving money they will say that..oh I cant no money...I am not a rich guy my self but managed to give $200 and now signed up for $50 yesterday...looking at what a lot of people are doing I think I might have to go to $100.

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  • hoolahoous
    10-23 12:45 PM
    you can document (some emails/documents indicating that job loss was possible) that you had to move because of things out of your control, i.e. you had intentions of working but because of situation you had to move, then you will be fine.

    same things apply if you are laid off soon after getting GC.
    i learned not to make career decisions based on "potential" future problems.

    i am not a lawyer and don't consider my advice as legal advice.

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  • somegchuh
    07-27 04:04 PM
    I am seriously thinking of PMP. If I don't do that I think I will have nothing to show even if I do get GC (which seems unlikely at the moment).

    somegchuh..yeah...let's go get ourself a PMP cert???? Maybe we (and others who are interested) can start a PMP study group and get it done soon!!! Then by the time we all get our GC, we can work as a PM making at least 150K a year? Sounds good??? :D (sigh..trying to humor myself in such depressing moment!)

    va_labor2002...good for u man..made 100K on ur old house! I wish..I wish....!


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  • Ahimsa
    01-30 08:54 AM
    I dont think companies are really geared to file for 140 within 45 days of labor approval...
    The condition is not for "to file 140 within 45 days of labor approval"
    But it is for the company to substitute the LC for some other employee.

    There is no time limit set to file I-140 for the employee for whom the LC was issued.

    AILA opposes this 45 days condition on the premise that they can not find and recruit a person to apply LC substitution within 45 days.

    Anyway it is good to see majority of the "LC-jumpers" will be stopped.

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  • mgos
    07-15 07:33 PM
    Just called CNN an complained about Lou Dobbs programming and his singling out of Indian H1B immigrants. Got the number from www.michaelmoore.com.
    If enuf of us call, CNN might be forced to do better factual reporting.


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  • rimzhim
    02-05 04:26 PM
    Not all professions can apply for H1Bs. You need to have specific skills that the US does NOT have. Someone on here had once posted that his wife could not work as a teacher although the school was ready to offer her a job, coz there is no H1B category for teachers. The H1B visa cannot help spouses in all professions. Hence my suggestion.

    About how this will solve retrogression, IT WONT. My point is instead of trying to bring this retrogression beast down, maybe we should look at alternatives to work around it.
    thanks for explaining. my suggestion then is to go to school on F1 (maybe ?) and get a degree that can help him/her get a job that qualifies under H1b.

    Our main goal to solve the retrogression problem.

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  • zoooom
    07-19 06:34 PM
    Sounds good.

    Zooooom ?? Do you want to open the thread (please add the important points of the conversation going on this thread as your first message, so we can repeat that over and again for people who join later).
    Will DO...Just gimme some time.


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  • coopheal
    04-28 05:27 AM
    Added to Wiki here After GC Dos and Donts (http://immigrationvoice.org/wiki/index.php/US_Life_After_GC)

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  • pdakwala
    04-12 04:41 PM
    Thank you very much anandrajesh, nk2006, ramraj_02, nviren, and neel_gump. Keep up the good work. It is good that more and more people and coming forward and making their first, second, third and fouth contribution.

    One would make contribution only if they have confidence in IV. Today IV have more than 2000 members. Let's join hand and make Immigration Voice stronger by contributing $100 or more one more time.

    We have al ready seen that Immigration Voice have shown their ability what they can do with all your help. We have not yet achieve the goals but we are not too far from that. One has to understand that Immigration Voice is an organization owned by you and me and so please contibute so that Immigration Voice can work and solve the retrogression problem.


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  • swamy
    12-01 08:39 PM
    Anyone wh0 has doubts on where big corporations stood on issues like VB fiasco need only look at this:

    under Q11 pn chances of reversal, this is what they say "However, the probability of relief is remote and the form of relief is uncertain.

    FRAGOMEN and the American Council on International Personnel (ACIP) will continue to work with the government at all levels for some kind of relief, but again the form of any potential relief is uncertain."
    Why is the above important? Because it's a window into their mindset. Like any responsible corporate firm they wanted to sound a little empathetic but didn't want to give false hopes by saying a reversal was possible though they probably knew the outrage among potential filers who had been dealt a nasty blow below their belt. But VB disaster was one issue where there was not even the slightest doubt that what had happened was horribly wrong and cruel that even some cold-hearted anti-immigrants were confused for a day or two and didn't know what to say because they didn't want to pile on our heartache. The way CIS works had, like any bureacracy over time become a cold and heartless beast but since they deal mostly with non-citizens who have little rights and feel so unsecure and unwelcome in the first place to ever speak out, they were never going to know how their actions are wreaking havoc on their customers lives. So unless affected people come together and act they are never going to know how bad it sucks to be on this end of the divide. And ofcourse it's not all CIS - they are just an arm of the government carrying out the law. it's going to be next to impossible to do anything without congress stepping in. And while Fragomen is definitely not lying when they say they will work for some relief and probably are given that their partners often show up on congressional hearings, they won't lose sleep over it nor will their passion levels be anywhere near that of those who are directly at the receiving end of this current ugly messi.e iv and it's browsers. That's why it's critical that iv be heard - & not just through flower campaigns. ofcourse bringing together immigrants was always going to be like herding cats but it shouldn't be this hard. give money people!

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  • ss_col
    01-31 10:07 AM
    Voted and forwarded to friends to vote. You cannot vote twice as someone had earlier suggested.


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    09-17 01:55 PM
    Can someone post the link for Video / Audio ... Thanks

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  • add78
    04-28 09:48 AM
    I read the text again, and found that text is under 'Sub Title A - H1B Application Requirement', does that mean the new application has to meet the requirement but existing H1B holders are allowed to work until the end of their I-94 date? It would create a turmoil to stop all H1B contractor all in a sudden.

    Anyway, let's hope the professional analysis from Pappu and attorney come out early

    That is the problem with us isn't it? We try to first figure out if something that is a potentially bad legislation applies to ME, MYSELF and MY OWN SELF first, if not then we simply shrug, bury our heads in the sand and do not act for the greater good of the community. That is precisely what happened 2 months ago when Grassley/Durbin went after the smaller consulting (staffing) companies and when those companies tried to garner support from the biggies, there was no help. The big consulting companies including the outsourcing companies thought that the demise of staffing/consulting companies would land them more business and the displaced H1Bs, not realizing it was just the first step of the Antis in their direction as well. Well now, everybody has been given the jolt of electricity.

    Sadly it should not have come to this point. We always bicker and fight among ourselves (I am NOT picking on you or saying you are at fault) i.e. EB2 vs EB3, H1B vs L1, US Masters vs non-Masters, H1B with FT jobs vs H1B in C2C, staffing/consulting companies vs Big Consulting, Outsourcing companies vs non-outsourcing etc etc... the list goes on.

    We, and I mean everybody I just described above, need to have the foresight to see every "divide and conquer" attack / technique that the antis throw at us and look past our differences and unite under IV's umbrella. Sigh..


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  • learning01
    02-01 12:43 PM
    Look. There are 2 sides to a coin. I was a victim by my previous employer, who is a global corporation (120 k emp), who couldn't succeed in US market.

    I know many small and medium companies ( and I refuse lable them in any other way) who are good employers and who truely furthered and moved the GC applications.

    This talk is not correct. The situation is due to a visa regime (regime=tight control on every aspect), neo-conservatives dictating and bulldozing policies, bums and incompetent lawmakers (some of whom get thrown out each 2 years), lack of budget and personnel (and yes, Iraq is sucking everything out) and importantly lack of organization or godfather to look after our genuine needs.
    IV stepped in and is doing a yeomen service and we should be proud of it. Results will come.

    All Indian owned desi companies are cheaters.

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  • pappu
    04-27 08:43 PM
    Please also add in IV wiki


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  • aviko21
    09-29 12:46 PM
    Please consult a good lawyer rather than worry yourself crazy. The thing is that you don;t know what the problem is yet! So you can;t find a solution till you know more!

    Please do post what your lawyer finds out

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  • Caliber
    04-26 09:22 AM
    Not a bit. If you want I can give you a plenty... L1 is for intercompany transfer. But So far I have seen companies put people only at the client place and their salary is starting at 32K and they are put up at extended staty, asked to share the cab or car. So let me know if you want and I can directly let you talk to those guys.

    Yes, you can work for $8 but there is something called law. I have personelly checked their labor which states 55K. But they are paid only 32K.

    So our common goal is to fix the broken system, remove the employer's undue advantage over the employee. No matter if they are MNC or desi consulting companies. Why the employee is tied to the employer when there is the need/demand for the skill set. Thats the only thing which is driving down the wages.

    I fully agree with this. L1's being placed at Client's place is ILLEGAL. I have several proof's of this. TCS, Infy, CTS and LT do FAVOR their employees with a gift of filing in EB1 because these guys WOULD not complain to any one what they are paid and their benefits.

    Any one want proof's?

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  • tcsonly
    07-19 03:38 PM
    Just a suggestion, sooner or later that's the way it should be. No offense taken.

    For confidentiality reasons, I don't think IV core can disclose their spending on various lobbying efforts they are doing.


    06-20 12:13 PM
    Based on the responses I got (or lack of), and based on my research and calling around in last few days, I have come to following conclusions:

    * Buy only from US based company
    * Buy only comprehensive coverage plan, not fixed
    * Buy only from a reputed and licensed broker who has been in business for some time, who is willing to help even after the sale.
    * No body covers pre-existing conditions. Here and there, somebody is claiming to cover them in some cases up to some extent, but there is really no evidence or consistent past record of they having actually covered, at least I can't find any. Therefore, don't believe or expect that anyone would cover them, unless you are shown the proof and convinced otherwise.

    Above may not always be true or suitable for everyone, but that seems to be the general idea.

    I read this everywhere about buying from US based company but after going through the plans I don't really see any benefit. I think none of visitor plans are of much help.

    You can go for comprehensive plan and they will list some PPO network, but you cannot use that network for any illness other than likes of flu and diarrhea. Initially I was unders the impression that having PPO network would atleast help in getting negotiated rates for emergency treatment but after talking to them furthur, I found out that they won't provide negotiated rates for pre existing conditions. There is a comprehensive plan from Liason which provides small amount for pre existing but that is flat amount and they will not negotiate rates as it is not covered illness. Most emergencies ( stroke, seizure etc.) are always regarded as pre existing.

    As for ICICI lombard, I have not used them but they list that emergency situations will be covered. I understand it will be big hastle to get any money out of them but these US based companies won;t even consider these situations.

    05-29 07:11 PM
    Foreign laborers break the law by collecting unemployment

    the other person is also a IV member on the post. Anti-immigrants have been comming to our site and collecting information about your discussion. I am not at all worried about anything.

    Please do not fight with conflicting topics which is of no use.

    Did you guys looked at the latest projections given by USCIS, its on murthy.com. For those who want to wait 10-15 years in limbo, i will pray for you all. For those who want to explore new options, i want to wish you best of luck,

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